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European Region of Culture


© BARC Scandinavia

Digital debate at Kulturmødet Mors 2020


During the Culture Meeting 2020, the European Region of Culture wanted to focus on culture's digital challenges and potentials. The Corona pandemic meant that the physical Culture Meeting was converted to a digital format - and there was thus a need, in a streamed debate format, to create both professional weight and communicative reach in order to get core messages and points to live in cultural life and the general population.


We drew on our overview of international currents and organized a series of theme tracks for the debate that shed light on all relevant aspects of the topics. We involved our own network and sought out relevant experts as moderator and on the panel - supplemented by a series of short video interviews with international experts, top politicians and other capacities, to strengthen the professional weight. In addition, we lifted the debate into a partnership with Kulturmonitor, which gave increased reach for streaming and got the message out even further.

European Region of Culture

Customer says

"We benefited greatly from drawing on BARC Scandinavia's extensive knowledge of digitization within culture, and their knowledge of key figures in the field, when we had to organize and hold a debate at the Culture Meeting 2020."

Morten Falbe-Hansen

Lead consultant, Central Denmark Region

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