The path to new relevance, new reach and new audience
Partnerships are one of the most important tools of the future and should be seen as part of the 'core business'. Partners can generate new revenue, new audiences, new geographies, develop competencies, reduce resistance and replace uncertain advertising investments.
Contact us if you want to hear how we work with the more than 150 companies and 100 cultural actors that BARC Scandinavia has contact with.
Find de rette partnere
Vores hvidbog lærer dig at finde sweet spot for partnerskaber
I BARC Scandinavia har vi kompetencer, som har arbejdet intenst med tværsektorelle partnerskaber siden 2004 - heriblandt flere internationalt prisvindende og nominerede projekter.
Vi faciliterer strategiske partnerskaber mellem den offentlige og private sektor og mellem kultur-, erhvervs-, fonds- og uddannelses-aktører - afhængigt af succeskriterier og modenhed i forhold til partnerskaber.
Vi har beskrevet vores egen metode, RELEVANSDESIGN™, som du kan hente gratis her. Metoden bygger på moderne retorisk teori.
Som altid i BARC Scandinavia kigger vi på tværs af kultursektoren, i et internationalt perspektiv og med kort afsæt til handling.
Find inspiration with our podcasts - most of which are in English
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Michaela Greene
Partnerships and Impact Director
Roundhouse Trust
We can actually change the lifes of young people through our business programmes.
Adam Thow
Head of Commercial
RBG Kew Enterprises
Our guests accept commercial products if they add value to the cultural experience
Mikkel Borg Bjergsø
Uden de rigtige partnerskaber havde vi ikke været så langt fremme som vi er i dag
Roleff Kråkström
Moomin Estate
There was no commercial strategy. We had to open up to the outside world.
Henrik Lübker
Creative Director
H.C. Andersen Museet
Det handler om at få H.C. Andersen ud gennem nye formidlings- og distributionskanaler
Jan Sørensen
BK Skjold
Vores naboer er FCK, og vi ved godt, at vi skal konkurrere på nogle helt andre parametre
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The four types of partnerships
Can give you direct revenue, licenses, new products, content for store and webshop, business cases.
Can give you reach, access to a new audience, community, new content, new channels, new followers, subscription to newsletters, likes & shares.
Can give you internal change, understanding of the world around you, reduced weaknesses, remove resistance, fulfill potentials.
Can drive external change, reorganization of production, CSR, joint agenda setting of new goals, own contribution.
Cultural institution?
If you want to hear more about your options for getting in touch with relevant partners, reach out to us.
Read about how we work with partnerships between companies and art and culture - which can strengthen competitiveness in a number of areas that are already part of the business world's usual measurement methods.